Tapaturma-asioiden muutoksenhakulautakunta

About accident insurance

The purpose of occupational accident and disease insurance is to compensate the worker or their next of kin for losses and damage suffered due to occupational accidents and diseases. Private accident insurance is not within the Board’s remit. For information about the above, see the Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau (FINE).

According to occupational accident and disease legislation, employees and civil servants, as well as farmers and certain special groups such as schoolchildren and students in practical training, family carers, adults in labour market training, and persons held in certain penal, welfare, and care institutions, are entitled to compensation.

The implementation of occupational accident and disease insurance is the responsibility of private insurance companies. The occupational accident and disease insurance of government employees is managed by the State Treasury, and the occupational accident and disease insurance of farmers is managed by the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution Mela.

Employers have a duty to take out a statutory accident insurance policy for their employees from an insurance company that provides occupational accident and disease insurance. The insurance policy is mandatory for employers and, correspondingly, insurance companies may not refuse to issue the insurance policy. In other words, occupational accident and disease insurance legislation covers all employees.

The development of the occupational accident and disease insurance system and legislation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The Financial Supervisory Authority monitors the execution of occupational accident and disease insurance.
